Can this help me?

Counseling is available for individuals and couples. People seek our help when life gets tough and they want help to sort it out. This includes finding Christian answers for a personal crisis, marital issues, parenting, blended families, and teen issues.

What does it cost?

This is a ministry, so our goal is not to build wealth. We also have very low overhead costs. An appointment costs $35 for about an hour (50 minutes is standard); $50 for one and a half hours. Payment can be made at the time of your appointment using cash, check, or a card.

“Christian” counseling?

The term Christian counseling is used in a variety of ways. We use it to be clear that the spiritual side of life is important, and the Bible should not be ignored. Because of this, Tim Tyler is not a secular therapist, licensed with the state. Read more here about his experience and training.

How do I start?

Our office is in Post Falls. If you are ready to make an appointment, it’s easy to do online. Here’s how. If you need more information before making a decision, please look over the rest of the website. If you have any questions, please contact


Real Life Ministries

Association of Biblical Counselors

The King’s High Way Ministries

Koinonia House


Here’s a generous introduction by Debbie Holland when we both spoke at a Koinonia House conference in 2015. I really appreciate her kind words. – Tim